Disabled And Here

Portrait walking shot

Three Black and disabled folx smile and stroll down a sidewalk side by side. On the left, a non-binary person walks with a cane in one hand and a tangle stim toy in the other. In the middle, a non-binary person rolls along in their power wheelchair. On the right, a femme gestures mid-walk.

Image usage & credit

The Disabled And Here collection is published under Creative Commons attribution licensing, which means you can use, share, and adapt the images for free with appropriate credit.

Photos should be attributed to Disabled And Here. When possible, please link back to the Disabled And Here project page.

We ask that you be thoughtful in how you put our collection images to use. With captions, we prefer identity-first language, as in “disabled person” rather than “person with a disability.”

This photo was taken by Chona Kasinger.

Support Disabled And Here

Disabled And Here content may be free, but producing it is not — donations play a huge part in keeping Disabled And Here going and growing. All funds are processed through our fiscal sponsor, 501(c)(3) SPM Disability Justice Fund, and thus tax-deductible!