News and Features

  • A Black non-binary person holds a cane and vape pen.

    June 18, 2019

    Disabled And Here: Interview with Mallory

    “One of the biggest misconceptions that I run across is people thinking that all autistic people are the same. I think those misconceptions are rooted in how little we’re allowed to participate in media about us. There’s a very narrow view perpetuated by films and television that most, if not all of us, are savants.”

  • A Black non-binary person in a black and pink power wheelchair.

    June 11, 2019

    Disabled And Here: Interview with Moranda

    “I feel like people kind of dismiss the thought of disabled people being able to be in a relationship or date... It’s like the possibility never crossed their mind, and they don’t know what to do next. I think the question they really want to ask is: are you capable of having and maintaining a relationship like any other 24 year old?”

  • A Latinx woman smiles while standing on a sidewalk on a cloudy day.

    January 10, 2019

    Disabled And Here: Interview with Melissa

    “Support creators who are raising awareness, educating through telling the stories of others, or those who are on the front lines fighting for justice and overcoming oppression.”

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